Blog Entries - 2023

Supporting Your LGBTQIA Child: Overcoming Challenges and Finding Acceptance as a Parent

March 16, 2023

Most parents strive to give their children a safe, supportive, and loving home environment, no matter how diverse and varied their needs may be. Nonetheless, when it comes to parenting an LGBTQIA (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, and/or other) child, some parents may find themselves unprepared or even overwhelmed by the additional stress and complexity that comes with raising an LGBTQIA child.   Understanding and Accepting Your LGBTQIA Child One of the major difficulties a parent may face when their child comes out as LGBTQIA is lack of education and understanding of what it means. Even in today’s more accepting society, many parents have only heard the occasional derogatory terms used when referring to LGBTQIA individuals. This lack of familiarity can cause shock and even distress, as the parent attempts to wrap their minds around the new reality that their child is a part of this traditionally misunderstood and often underrepresented population. Unfortunately, this lack of understanding

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Why enrichment activities are important for kids in 2023

March 16, 2023

Introduction Enrichment activities have been around for a long time, but they've become increasingly popular in recent years. Enrichment classes are an excellent way to keep your kids busy while also maximizing their potential. Most enrichment programs are available through schools, community centers & private businesses. You can also sign your child up for enrichment classes on their own or as part of a school curriculum Enrichment activities help keep your child active and engaged. Enrichment activities are a great way to keep your child active and engaged. While some parents see enrichment as an opportunity for their child to be busy, other parents see it as a way of maximizing their potential. Children need both physical activity and mental stimulation in order for them to thrive socially, emotionally, academically and physically. Enrichment activities such as art classes can give your child a creative outlet that helps them find their passion which will give their life direction and meaning. Enrichment programs provide children with new experiences that encourage them to explore different areas of interest such as sports or music while also allowing them opportunities such as tutoring programs where they can develop skills

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Understanding Our Children's Stress & Anxiety: How to Help.

January 31, 2023  |  anxiety, children, in person classes, stress

As parents, it can be difficult to watch our children struggle with stress and anxiety. These feelings can manifest in a variety of ways, from physical symptoms such as stomachaches and headaches, to behavioral changes like withdrawing from friends and activities.

One of the most important things we can do as parents is to provide a safe and supportive environment for our children to express their feelings. This means listening to them without judgment, and being honest and open when they share their concerns.

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Why sewing is a valuable skill for kids to learn

January 10, 2023  |  Sewing Classes

Kids are naturally curious and inventive. When kids want to create something new, they don't just think about how it looks, they also consider how to do it and what its purpose might be.

So when it comes to sewing, you shouldn't be surprised that your little one will probably want to try their hand at it. You can also enroll them in sewing classes for kids in Cincinnati to improve their skills.

Hand sewing is a valuable skill for kids to learn, as it teaches them how to work with their hands and build something from scratch! Let’s talk about all of the benefits kids gain from learning how to sew.

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